Monday, October 18, 2010

Grave Reality

Roughly three years ago, I was asked by Oliver Tosh, a film maker, to work up a comic book cover to be used as a prop in his movie Grave Reality.  Recently, Oliver again contacted me to work up one more piece of artwork to be used in the movie [which is nearing completion]. The cover I provided has taken on double duty as movie poster. Below is the original piece I handed Oliver. For those interested in learning more about the movie Grave Reality, I'll add the official site in my links list.
Grave Reality is copyright 2010 Oliver Tosh. All [last] rights reserved.


  1. Awesome. reminds me of EC. Cool beans.

  2. Cool beans are what put that guy in the grave to start with...and maybe what powered him to leave. Heh.

  3. Wow! That's some great art! And it's a movie poster too! That's exactly the kind of job I've always dreamed about! Congrats!

  4. The filmmaker is planning on making more of these Grave Reality movies if this one does well. So who knows...My urge to pencil has dwindled down...

  5. Great job here, Jeff. Keep the ink and the money flowin'!

  6. Really good atmosphere, especially with avoiding the typical "dark gloomy" presentation of the cemetery. I do have to wonder why she's so shocked to find herself there. "I think today I'll run a mile with my eyes closed and see where I end up!"

  7. She was looking for the local 7-11. Someone told her the new flavor in Slurpees was "to die for".
