Sunday, August 14, 2011

Love that will cause you to melt...

Here is a retro horror story with art by Rock Baker and myself, drawn for Blokes Terrible Tomb Of Terror, a magazine being produced by Mike Hoffman and Jason Crawley. Story written by Jason.
Copyrights assured. Don't mess with that Bloke guy.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Oh well, part 453,210,000......

Here is a piece of art I recently did for a music CD cover. I thought it was a nice change of pace from standard comic format. Unfortunately, when it came time to pay up and recieve the finished copy, the client vanished...a regular Houdini.. So we'll file this in the "woulda-coulda-shoulda" drawer, and add it to my virtual museum of visual treats...otherwise known blog.
Artwork copyright 2011...lil' ol' me. All right, it's reserved.